Spring Greens with a Fried Egg

Nice recipe but often I realize that you cannot view it.  I don’t know why.  Iguess WP changed its terms on expanding pix.  So you need prosciutto olive oil spring onion bulbs, garlic, chopped greens like Swiss chard, kale or spinach, kosher salt, black pepper, lemon juice, crusty bread, and fontina cheese.

  1. Cooks the Prosciutto in a large skillet.
  2. Add oil to skillet.
  3. Cook onions and garlic then added greens.
  4. Season.
  5. Preheat broiler with rach broil the bread.
  6. Add oil on prev.
  7.  Divide fontina.
  8. The rest just  follow the pic for layering wtih already done friend egg, though broiling could do it as well.

fried egg

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